Duke Energy Solar Panel Rebates, Incentives & Net Metering

Duke Energy customers who generate electricity from their own renewable facility may be eligible to offset their retail bills through “Net Metering.” Through this arrangement, you can use the electricity you generate while receiving service from Duke Energy. Applications and agreements for Net Metering vary by the capacity size of the generating facility requesting to physically connect to the electric grid. Florida Net Metering generating facilities can be sized up to 2 MW.

Net Metering is a special metering and billing agreement between utilities and their customers that facilitates the connection of small, customer-owned renewable energy-generating systems to the power grid. Our net metering program encourages small-scale renewable energy systems and ensures that customers always have a reliable source of energy from the grid during times when their renewable generators are not producing energy.

The electric meter of a net metering customer’s renewable generator records the energy delivered both to and from the electric grid. Net metering customers are charged only for the “net” power that they consume, which represents the difference between energy delivered to the grid and energy delivered from the grid. If their renewable energy-generating systems make more energy than is consumed, they will be credited for the excess energy contributed to the grid in the next month’s billing cycle.

While net metering should lessen your bill, it will not eliminate it entirely. It is advisable to review the ways and times you are using energy and compare this to your generator’s output. This effort may also help you find additional ways to conserve energy.

In Florida, the Public Service Commission (FPSC) sets the rules for net metering. Interconnection of renewable generation (wind, solar, tidal, methane, etc.) will require a customer to comply with the net metering rules set by the FPSC. All eligible systems must be fueled by a renewable resource and will be designed to offset the customer’s usage. Customers will need to ensure that adequate access to the meter, and disconnect switch for Tiers 2 and 3 projects, is maintained. Meter access is especially important because the bi-directional meters installed for these types of interconnections must be manually read. If access to the meter becomes an issue, the usage will be estimated for billing purposes; benefits for exported power will be credited in the month the meter is read.

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Net metering interconnections

Tier 1 (Renewable Generating Facilities ≤ 10 kW)

  • No application fee, disconnect switch or insurance requirement, simply complete the Tier 1 Interconnection Request Application and Compliance Form and the Tier 1 Standard Interconnection Agreement and mail to the address above.
  • If you choose to net meter, Duke Energy will check to ensure your PV system rating does not exceed the 90% of the transformer or service rating of your service drop, then will replace your current meter with a bidirectional meter that will be capable of recording any exported power for the purpose of calculating any credits you may be due. The meter should be replaced within three weeks of receipt of the completed application.

Duke Energy Solar Panel Rebates, Incentives & Net MeteringTier 2 (Renewable Generating Facilities >10 kW and ≤100 kW)

  • Completed Tier 2/3 Interconnection Request Application and Compliance Form, Completed Tier 2 Standard Interconnection Agreement, application fee of $240, proof of general liability insurance of $1 million, and the installation of an externally accessible and lockable manual AC load break disconnect switch (not a breaker) located in close proximity to the meter location are required for this level of installation. The disconnect switch should be included in the One Line Diagram further described below.
  • After receipt of all completed paperwork and fee, a Duke Energy employee will be scheduled to inspect the installation, primarily to check to ensure your PV system rating does not exceed the 90% of the transformer or service rating of your service drop, and for the validation of an appropriate disconnect switch.
  • Following that inspection, Duke Energy will contact the net metering customer to replace the existing meter with a bidirectional meter that will be capable of recording any exported power for the purpose of calculating any credits that may be due. The process should take three to four weeks from the receipt of all completed paperwork.

Tier 3 (Renewable Generating Facilities >100 kW and ≤2000 kW)

  • Completed Sections A and B of the Tier 2/3 Interconnection Request Application and Compliance Form, application fee of $750, proof of general liability insurance of $2 million, and the installation of an externally accessible and lockable manual AC load break disconnect device (not a breaker) located in close proximity to the meter location are required for this level of installation. The disconnect switch should be included in the One Line Diagram further described below.
  • Given the complexity and variability of systems of this size, there may be other protection equipment required beyond the transformer and service rating checks and the disconnect switch which will be determined through the interconnection study that would be performed by Duke Energy.
  • Upon receipt of the application fee and initial information on the generation system and location, Duke Energy will perform an analysis to determine interconnection requirements and will notify the customer of the results within 60 days.
  • Once all interconnection requirements have been met, the customer will then be responsible for completing the remaining sections of the application form, as well as completing the Tier 3 Standard Interconnection Agreement. For customers participating in net metering, Duke Energy will replace your current meter with a bidirectional meter that will be capable of recording any exported power for the purpose of calculating any credits you may be due. A Duke Energy employee will contact the customer within 10 business days regarding their proposed installation and will begin the interconnection analysis to determine any additional requirements.

Call Today! (813) 773-1800